
Had to submit another illustration on this wonderful theme “Animal”. Everyone: meet my baboon!


This is a really quick, easy and cute DIY gift to fancy-up your host/hostess gifts, perfect for Thanksgiving. Just print and cut, it really is that easy. Click below to download the PDF. I recommend printing it on a heavier cardstock. Hope you enjoy! 



Cut out the tags, regular scissors will do the job. Make sure you get all the white out.

free-printable-wine-tags-1Time to cut out the holes, I have a little trick to share below.



free-printable-wine-tags-13This might be just too basic, but YES, there was a time when I would almost injure myself not knowing this trick… Make a hole with a single hole punch BEFORE cutting out the hole with scissors. Trust me on this.

free-printable-wine-tags-12Almost done 🙂 Try them on your wine bottle to see approximately where to fold the tags.

free-printable-wine-tags-2Using a ruler (or just something straight) slightly bend the tag to make a fold. Don’t fold it all the way over, the paper fibers and color might break, and make an ugly fold.

free-printable-wine-tags-11If you want to personalize your gift further you can add name tags. I folded paper in two, wrote the names and cut it for these super-fast name tags. Make holes and add string or ribbon of your choice.

free-printable-wine-tags-4And we are DONE! Simple as that, personal and cute gift for the hostess with the mostest! Hope you enjoy.





I can’t believe I had so much trouble picking the animal for this challenge. All of my sketches and doodles are always involving some kind of animal, but now that the subject actually was “animal” it got tricky… I finally went with whale, but we all know that there are a bunch of (really cute) whale illustrations and art out there, I thought I’d pick a slightly different scenery this time. Whales are such mysterious and profound beings, and just so we are all clear, this is just a whimsical illustration. Whales should always be free (all animals should). Take care everyone!

whale-illustration-closeup whale-in-glass-with-flower-illustration-carolinealfreds

Home is where the ♥ is

November 16th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration | Patterns - (0 Comments)

I kept playing around with the illustration I created on the theme Whimsical last week. I thought they’d be really cute as greeting cards and pattern.


snails-and-their-houses-card-design-1 snails-and-their-houses-card-design-2 snails-and-their-houses-card-design-3 snails-and-their-houses-card-design-4


Free iphone backgrounds

November 14th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Free stuff | Illustration - (4 Comments)

These iphone backgrounds are probably two years old, and I remember sharing them on my old blog paired with one of my monthly backgrounds. But I think they still work, and with the holiday season fast approaching I think they should see the light of day once more. I hope you like them!

Iphone wallpaper, locked screen

Iphone wallpaper, home screen


This weeks theme (which I made, just barely) on Illustration Friday is Whimsical. This word is very not specific, you could literally draw anything and just add a whimsical touch to it, which also makes it kind of hard to think outside the box. Anyways, I ended up with these snails and their little floral houses. I actually think they turned out pretty cute. Take care everyone and have a great weekend!


Hand painted owl rocks

November 12th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in DIY tutorials | Painted rocks - (0 Comments)

Something I used to do (A LOT) on my previous blog was to paint/draw on rocks. Especially owls, but also some other objects, like fishes, feathers and also lace/doily patterns. I think part of the reason I quit was just it was very hard for me to find the rocks to paint on in Stockholm. Now that we relocated to LA I seem to find a lot more of them for some reason, especially on my morning walks. So this might just be something I will pick up and do again. For now, here is some inspiration from all the rocks I painted way back when…


doodled-rocks-owl painted-owl-rocks-12 painted-rocks-lace-doily-pattern-1 painted-owl-rocks-11 painted-rocks-fish painted-owl-rocks-10 painted-owl-rocks-9 painted-owl-rocks-8 painted-owl-rocks-7 painted-owl-rocks-6 painted-rocks-lace-doily-pattern painted-owl-rocks-5


New art print!

November 10th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration - (0 Comments)

I keep coming back to this illustration, this is the 2015 brushed up version. I think I will add this print to my soon-to-be-reopening-shop!!caroline-alfreds-illustration-w

Timelapse doodle video

November 7th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Doodling | Illustration | Videos - (0 Comments)

Today, I’m just drawing really really fast!


Second time: tea for two

November 5th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration - (4 Comments)

The “Tea for two illustration” but in black and white this time. What do you think? Do you prefer this one or the other one?

