
Had to submit another illustration on this wonderful theme “Animal”. Everyone: meet my baboon!


I can’t believe I had so much trouble picking the animal for this challenge. All of my sketches and doodles are always involving some kind of animal, but now that the subject actually was “animal” it got tricky… I finally went with whale, but we all know that there are a bunch of (really cute) whale illustrations and art out there, I thought I’d pick a slightly different scenery this time. Whales are such mysterious and profound beings, and just so we are all clear, this is just a whimsical illustration. Whales should always be free (all animals should). Take care everyone!

whale-illustration-closeup whale-in-glass-with-flower-illustration-carolinealfreds

This weeks theme (which I made, just barely) on Illustration Friday is Whimsical. This word is very not specific, you could literally draw anything and just add a whimsical touch to it, which also makes it kind of hard to think outside the box. Anyways, I ended up with these snails and their little floral houses. I actually think they turned out pretty cute. Take care everyone and have a great weekend!


Wouldn’t that be interesting? 🙂

I will be saving this original drawing for a project I’m working on, but I was thinking it would make a good digital piece, so I decided to have a go. The color palette was inspired from my dress and some starburst candy, I guess that source of inspiration os never far away huh, it’s just a matter of seeing it.

The illustration friday theme for this week just happens to be BOUQUET (yes, coincidence, I swear) so I got to kill two (well, three actually) birds with one stone with this one.



