
New social media icons

November 11th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration - (0 Comments)

I doodled some social media icons for my sidebar. They should be visible in the sidebar, just click on any of them (or all of them) so we can connect!


New art print!

November 10th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration - (0 Comments)

I keep coming back to this illustration, this is the 2015 brushed up version. I think I will add this print to my soon-to-be-reopening-shop!!caroline-alfreds-illustration-w

Here we go again! If you’ve been around (well, rather been on my previous blog and then have come back, and might know me as thecarolinejohansson) you know I really enjoyed making the color palettes out of my everyday photos. I still enjoy making them, so I’m thinking I’ll create some every now and then. It’s also a great way for me to share a little bit about me and my life, without loosing what this blog is about.

This photo is very recent, as it was taken just a couple of hours ago. For some reason I’ve fallen in love with all the big, solid, one color, painted walls here in LA, there seems to be a lot of them. This particular one can be found in Hermosa Beach, close to the pier (yeah, I know, your all taking notes to go there lol). Although, it was in no way a blues-kind-of-day.



Timelapse doodle video

November 7th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Doodling | Illustration | Videos - (0 Comments)

Today, I’m just drawing really really fast!


Happy brush

November 6th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Mixed - (0 Comments)

This must be the happiest brushes in the world I think, here to wish you a great weekend! IMG_0619

Second time: tea for two

November 5th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration - (4 Comments)

The “Tea for two illustration” but in black and white this time. What do you think? Do you prefer this one or the other one?



First, let me make a selfie

November 5th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration - (0 Comments)

I just had to make a selfie. For my facebook-page; which you are welcome to check out and like by the way. caroline-alfreds-selfie

Tea for two

November 4th, 2015 | Posted by Caroline in Illustration - (0 Comments)

This was originally just a handdrawn black and white illustration, but for some reason I keep wanting to digitalize my drawings, and as for this one I actually think it turned out really well. Would you fancy a cup of tea love?

tea-for-two-illustrationfolk-art-girl-and-bird-illustration teacup-patterned-illustration


So there is no step by step photos for how to do this, but basically:

  1. Go for a walk and look for rocks. A beach with those soft, round beach pebbles would work great. But don’t worry, I found these from walking around in my neighborhood here in LA, no need to look far in other words.
  2. Rinse of any dirt with water, we don’t want to ruin those pens of yours. Let dry.
  3. I prefer to use Posca Markers, but any kind of acrylic paint (either brush or pen) should do. Get creative!
  4. Once you are happy with your designs, let them dry and cover with the gloss of your choice, matte/glossy.
  5. You are done! Perfect for decorating windows, the garden, pots… Or put them in a nice box and give to a dear friend.


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Wouldn’t that be interesting? 🙂

I will be saving this original drawing for a project I’m working on, but I was thinking it would make a good digital piece, so I decided to have a go. The color palette was inspired from my dress and some starburst candy, I guess that source of inspiration os never far away huh, it’s just a matter of seeing it.

The illustration friday theme for this week just happens to be BOUQUET (yes, coincidence, I swear) so I got to kill two (well, three actually) birds with one stone with this one.

